
The Power of Words Online - Rich DuBose

Rich DuBose, web writer and producer, is Director of Church Support services for the Pacific Union Conference. After serving in pastoral ministry for 17 years, DuBose was called to develop PlusLine, the resource helpdesk for the North American Division. Rich has been enthusiastically involved with the eChurch Awards program that he helped to launch in 2003. Now he is focused on harvesting and producing web content for nurture and outreach applications.


Rich is a graduate of Andrews and Loma Linda Universities, and is married to Linda (Erickson), also a graduate of Andrews. Linda works for the Communication department and for the Office of Vice President of the Pacific Union Conference. Rich and Linda have two children, Benji and Erika.


More than anything, Rich longs to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ shared and people drawn to accept God's salvation.


The Power of Words

The Internet provides unlimited opportunities for sharing Christ with our friends and the world. As more and more people turn to the Internet for shopping, bill paying and personal growth, it is a tool that can offer support to those who are hungry for spiritual nourishment.


Neatly planted rows

We must never underestimate the power of words. Words are vehicles that convey thoughts--that eventually become the beliefs some willingly die for. Good Christian websites are cyber-gardens filled with neatly planted rows of words, carefully cultivated to convey hope and life. Each word has the potential of taking root in someone's heart and producing a harvest of righteousness.


The reason we need to dedicate our best energies toward creating more, top-quality Christian sites is because the competition is astounding! Everywhere we turn there is pornography, on-line gambling, scam artists, misinformation and flat-out lies about God. The other side needs to be heard.


If God is leading you to speak in His behalf--on-line, give it your best energies! Push yourself to excellence! Make your website one that's easy to navigate, that coveys a message of hope, and beckons people back for more.

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