Website Services Provided by Adventist Region Administrations
Please click on the geographical continents listed in the left navigation menu, or click on the links below, to see the website services that are available to Adventist churches, ministries and institutions located in the territories of the listed region administrations.
Americas -- North American Division (NAD); Inter-American Division (IAD); South American Division (SAD)
Africa -- West-Central Africa D. (WAD); East-Central Africa D. (ECD); Southern Africa-Indian Ocean D. (SID)
Asia -- Northern Asia-Pacific Div. (NSD); Southern Asia Div. (SUD); Southern Asia-Pacific Div. (SSD)
Europe -- Trans-European Division (TED); Euro-Asia Division (ESD); Euro-Africa Division (EUD)
Oceania -- South Pacific Division (SPD)
General Conference -- GC Headquarters and GC Entities Worldwide.